Hello again! This blog is going to be kind of short and sweet for this week. I've been pretty busy all week working so I haven't had a ton of time to work with Coco, but I managed to get a little practice in. I think the best progress we made this week was her listening to me pretty well because there is scraps from my deer in the garage, which is tempting to her but when I told her no she listened and went right back into the mud room. I was proud of her to say the least. The weekend wasn't bad and I had some time to train with her a bit but these past few days have been hectic. I wish she didn't get so car sick and then I could've taken her to the ranch with me today, but that's ok. She did help me get the horses in last night which was a bonus, but unfortunately I forgot to get a picture. I did have her sitting right next to me when we fed the horses this morning however, and she was absolutely terrified. That's okay though, we just need some more practice which will work out since I have to go back to the ranch next week anyway.
I know this picture doesn't show much but this is her laying between my legs while I saddled my horse this morning and she would not leave my side. This is great because I think she is gaining more confidence and is willing to trust me around the larger animals. Like I said this blog would be kind of short, so that's about all I got for now and I will see you all next week.
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