
 Hello again! Since this is the second to last blog, I am going to start by answering some questions that I have seen in my comments. One of the main questions I have had from you guys is if the sheep are scared of my dog. They are not actually scared of Coco because of Tank, so I think that is definitely a bonus. Another frequently asked question is when I am going to get her around cows. I really don't know when that is going to happen because we have been making slow progress, but I think I will definitely be able to take her to the ranch soon since she's been getting more used to the horses. So Coco is actually a hanging tree Australian Shepard mix which should make her extremely easy to train and susceptible to herding animals, but she is also three so that's why it has been so hard to train her since the training was not started when she was a puppy and there is no muscle memory. I think that kind of covers it for questions at the moment so I'll go ahead and get started talking about this weeks training. 

So this is Coco rolling over with me just chilling in the background (sorry I look like  train wreck in these) but she has been doing great with the basic commands. 

This is Coco laying down which I get her to do by snapping my fingers.  

  Finally this is Coco sitting. Sorry for the burry pictures but she is a very rambunctious dog. 

Okay so this week Coco and I stepped away from the animals for a bit to work on some herding commands. I figured out that she will spin in a circle when I keep my finger by her nose, which is a great start to telling her which way cows need to go. She is taking to that pretty well which is awesome. Since she gets really scared when we go around the animals, I am going to steal Natalie's tactic and get some anxiety treats. I am hoping these will work when she tries to ride in the pickup so that she doesn't get carsick. Well I think that's all for now but keep those questions coming and I will do my best to answer them. 


  1. This is my first time looking at your blog and it seems like you have done a lot. I think it is pretty cool you can train a dog like this. Dogs are very intelligent and it seems like Coco is doing perfect. Will the anxiety treats help with being around the other animals?


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